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Gold Testing Machine 'Bottom To Top' (StaRk Series)

Gold Testing Machine (StaRk Series) - Bottom To Top

Principal of X-ray Measurement High energy photons emitted by a X-ray tube interact with metal & materials. The high energy photon is absorbed by an electron of the atom. This electron is accelerated and forced to leave the atom. The so created hole in the structure of the electron shell is filled up by an electron of higher energy. The difference is energy between the leaving electrons position and the filling up electron may leave the atom as a photon of defined energy or as an electron. In the case of a leaving photon this process is called X-ray fluorescent and the energy of the leaving photon is characteristic for this atom therefore for the element. The electron shells of an atom are called K-, L-, M-shell.

Filling up a hole in the K-Shell creates, K-radiation (Ka if the filling up electron has is origin in the L-shell, Ka if the filling up electron has is origin in the M-shell). Filling up a hole in the L-shell creates L-radiation and so on. Only K and L radiation is on interest because the energy of K and L radiation is in the region which can be detected with standard detectors.

Principal of X-ray Measurement
Principal of X-ray Measurement

Features of XMasteR Application
X-MasteR is the user-friendly operating software for the modern suit of X-ray systems. This program used most modern software tools available for Windows® operating platforms. The main task of the operating software is the control of all system parameters such as high voltage settings, X-ray tube current, display of collimators and filters as well as the collection and manipulation of the measurement data.

  • Empirical calibration mode for calibrating unit using well assessed standard samples.
  • Fundamental calibration mode for standard free calibrations.
  • Simultaneous quantitative measurement up to 8 elements.
  • Qualitative material identification upto 20 elements.
  • Spectrum analysis for semi-quantitative concentration measurement.

  • Plating / Coating Thickness Analyzer
  • Hallmarking Centers
  • Gold Jewellery
  • Banks

Proportional Counter Detector
(Prop counter)
Based on Gas filled prop counter for measuring most common alloys including gold for jewellery industry.

(Prop counter)
Gas filled Proportional counter has distinct advantages like high efficiency, wide bandwidth larger area where it can be scaled to almost arbitrarily large size.

Silicon Detector (Si-PIN )

Based on high resolution Si-PIN is used for alloys analyzing in jewellery industry including gold & silver, even one step ahead for accuracy & repeatability compare to Gas filled pro counter.
Si-PIN with the usage of a high resolution silicon detector in conjunction digital signal processing achieves best detection limits and highest precision. Based on that, an about four times better resolution (in comparison with conventional technique) the element separation is much better.

Furthermore lowest detection limits are achieved because of better signal to noise ratio. The Si-PIN is available with a larger active area and thicker depletion depth. Where resolution is not critical but high detection efficiency is important, the Si-PIN is the best choice.

Silicon Drift Detector (SDD )
Based on high resolution SDD which is ultimate for alloys analysing industry it’s high resolution helps better repeatability and accuracy of measurement.

SDD has better energy resolution than a Si-PIN of the Same area. The SDD has much better energy resolution at short peaking times, which is particularly helpful at high count rates. At the noise corner (the peaking time where the noise is minimal) the SDD's resolution is still better. So where the highest resolution is needed, or where good resolution is needed at high count rates, the SDD is the choice.

Measurement performance features
automatic application, recognition. application & standards library. numerical filtering package with peak deconvolution.

Chamber performance capability
Compact Sample Chamber accommodates a wide variety of parts.

Technical Specification

Model StaRk
APPLIED APPLICATION Gold & Silver Analysis in jewellery and alloys, Coating Thickness Measurement on Metals
X-RAY TUBE Mini-focus,high performance,
W-target, Spot 0.2mm-0.8mm
HIGH VOLTAGE 50kV (1.2mA) Software Control Optimized
DETECTOR High resolution Gas Filed Prop Counter (Optional Si-PIN & SDD)
MEASUREMENT TIME 60 sec. to 180 sec.
COLLIMATOR 0.3mmØ or 0.5mmØ, Optional four positions Collimator changer
SAMPLE STAGE Fixed Sample Positioning
POWER SUPPLY 230VAC, 50/60Hz, 120W / 100W
INSIDE CHAMBER 330 x 200 x 170 mm (WxDxH)
DIMENSION 350 x 450 x 310 mm (WxDxH)
WEIGHT 32 kg


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